Max's bullshit


>> Max
>> 27/11/1987

>> Drink: Coke light, black coffee
>> Band: L'Arc~en~Ciel, Mayday, Coldplay
>> Colour: White
>> Manga/Anime: Hikaru no go, Evangelion
>> Hobby: Weiqi, TCG, WC3
>> Soccer club: Arsenal FC


>> Akira
>> Amanda
>> Anthony
>> Apple
>> Azurrah
>> Bahamut
>> Brainy
>> Constance
>> Crystal
>> Davidmars
>> Dawn
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>> Fengo
>> Harold
>> Irene
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>> Jiabi
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>> Mei Xian
>> Michelle
>> Natalie
>> Qamarul
>> Shaune
>> Shuyu
>> Sinthiya
>> Stella
>> Syukrida
>> Wei Wei
>> Xiang Long
>> Yvonne Goh
>> Yvonne Liaw

Warcraft 3 links
>> replays.net
>> WE.IGE.Sky's blog
>> WE.IGE.Sky's replay

>> October 2005
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As requested
[ maxilicious' | 10:04 PM | 0 comments ]

anthony is a toot. =D

电子竞技冠军SKY:我为中国争光 一年收入几十万
[ maxilicious' | 11:40 PM | 0 comments ]

taken from:




  河南汝州,一个产煤的小县城。李晓峰生在一个大家庭,但母亲下岗,全家只能依靠在县医院做大夫的父亲每月不足千元的工资维持生活。对于李晓峰来 说,那段日子是黑暗的,直到1998年,李晓峰受表弟影响,知道了一种叫做《星际争霸》的游戏,也就是从那一刻起,李晓峰走上了一条完全属于自己的人生轨 迹。

  虽然高一之后被父亲安排至自己并不情愿的洛阳医专学习临床医学,但李晓峰一刻也没有放弃过对于自己梦想的追逐。在郑州范围内,李晓峰在《星际争 霸》圈里小有名气,也拿了几个冠军。2003年趁着父亲去郑州进修,李晓峰经几个朋友介绍签约北京一家小型的电子竞技俱乐部,开始了职业选手的生涯。李晓 峰说,那段时间他经常打电话和父亲沟通,因为自己每月也能有千元的收入,父亲的态度逐渐转变,只有“玩也要玩出个名堂”是父亲惟一的要求,这一点,李晓峰 牢记心中。

  也就是从那个时候开始,李晓峰把自己的主攻目标转移至《魔兽争霸》。现在使用人族也是从《星际争霸》带来的习惯。一天24小时,李晓峰把三分之 二的时间用来训练,后来,李晓峰认识了一位家在西安的同道中人,并随他一起回到西安。说起自己的成功,李晓峰认为是汗水造就了这一切。




  2005年,新加坡WCG最后一个项目《魔兽争霸》的冠军诞生,那就是来自中国WE战队的李晓峰。身披五星红旗站在领奖台上,李晓峰喜极而泣。 “进入决赛后,我才突然发现自己再赢一场就是世界冠军,真的挺意外。在决赛中2:0击败对手,我感觉自己真的是为中国争了光。”回忆起夺得第一个世界冠军 时的情景,李晓峰的表情有些陶醉。这是WCG举办五年以来,中国人第一次摘得冠军。

  争冠容易保冠难,可当时间来到2006年,李晓峰在WCG的冠军名册上,第二次留下了自己的名字。去意大利比赛前,李晓峰进行了为期20天的集 训,强度又恢复到每天16个小时的训练量。“即便如此,我也没有想到能卫冕成功,这在电子竞技领域几乎是不可能完成的任务,从32进16开始,我遇见的每 一个对手都很强,8进4的时候,我赢得很悬。”当时比赛的残酷令李晓峰心有余悸。




  平时每天保证8个小时的训练时间,赛前延长至12个小时,李晓峰为了保证身体健康,已经学会严格控制自己的训练时间,每训练两个小时,李晓峰就 会离开座位四处转转以放松紧绷的神经,顺便缓解眼睛的疲劳。在西安两年多,这里就像李晓峰的第二个家,由于WE战队国内部的选手基本都在西安训练,所以李 晓峰并不孤独。大家在一起训练、一起生活,有空就讨论战术。李晓峰说,自己平时喜欢看书,有时候也去逛街。

  当然,现在的李晓峰已经不同于往日,在很多国家都不乏粉丝追随,尤其受女孩子们欢迎。相比之下,李晓峰更喜欢国内的粉丝,毕竟大家是自家人。但 当记者问起是否有女生大胆进攻时,健谈的李晓峰开始惊慌起来,连连摆手,“崇拜我的都是男孩啊。”虽然在谈到女粉丝时有些腼腆,但是李晓峰已经有女朋友 了,据说是通过网络认识的,女友还在武汉读大学,是李晓峰的老乡。



  李晓峰介绍说如果能拿下一年比赛中的所有冠军,中国的电子竞技选手可以有一二百万的收入,实现大满贯显然不太现实,所以自己的收入没有那么高, 大概在几十万。而这样丰厚的奖金李晓峰从不乱花,除了留下作为生活必要开支的部分,全部寄回家里。“用这些奖金,父亲可以做以前想做却没能力做的事情,他 一直想开个诊所。”

  李晓峰不愿意过早地考虑退役之后的安排,在他心目中电子竞技的前景十分广阔。据悉,2004年的国内比赛只有四五个,2006年就达到了二十多 个。在国内,电子竞技玩家总数也已超过3000万人,60%以上的竞技游戏爱好者大学毕业或大学在读,这部分人群正是消费电子和时尚产品的目标用户或潜在 用户,有着巨大的商业价值。但是,李晓峰也不忘为那些急于成为职业选手的玩家们提醒,一定要权衡学业与竞技之间的分量,切不能把爱好与职业混为一谈。如果 真有天赋,可以试着给自己一个期限,试着去参加一些比赛,通过成绩来决定自己努力的方向。

  博学得于勤修书,绝技依靠苦练成,李晓峰以自己最喜欢的话结束采访,他相信这句话也同样适用于那些希望投身电子竞技领域的人们。本报记者 丁潇雅
























taken from:

CCTV voting, sky owns all.. =D

NS medical check up
[ maxilicious' | 6:01 PM | 0 comments ]

ns makes me feel my life is coming to an end, it's that depressing...
took a cab to that fucking place at 1.30pm.
dumped my phone in the small handphone locker. -__-

and of course, the maincourse...
urine test,
blood test,
eye test,
ear test,
x-ray test,
teeth test,
heart test,
height and weight test,
blood pressure test,
dick test...

and the fuck up thing is that, i've to go back to IQ test because there is 'not enough time', i don't know wtf excuse is that. and btw.. my height is 176cm and my weight is 55kg, yes... my underweight. and my fat mass and % is below normal level as well. my bloodpressure is lower than others as well, everyone is 100+, mine is <100. ~_~
the rest there are so much fatter than me, and their 'breasts' are bigger than my gf's. ._.

and i get into pes B.

wow tcg regional on 14 jan 06
[ maxilicious' | 4:24 PM | 2 comments ]

long time no blog...

participated in the wow tcg regional tournament on sun, and get a 5-3. T_T
it was a promising start with a 4-0. but well...
i used an alliance hunter, one of the metagame deck now.
didn't have enough slp for 2 days then play a 12 hrs 8 round swiss tourney is so owned. plus 8am school next morning.
here is my deck list for the tournament

hero: elendril

kibler's pet x4
defias of brotherhood x4
battle of darrowshire x3
into the maw of madness x3
chasing ame x3

apprendice teep x4
kryton barleybeard x4
mezzik darkspark x4
bloodclaw x4
kailis truearc x4
latro abiectus x4
parvink x4
leeroy jenkins x1
fury x4

aimed shot x3
arcane shot x3

krol blade x4

arcane shot x1
multi-shot x3
moira darkheart x3
burn away x3

1st game: horde shaman
basically is the current metagame shaman, nth surprising.
he win the dice roll, which means quite gg for me. -___-
he won the 1st, then i come back in the 2nd.
for the 3rd round, he shld have won it. he just need to flip hero and use taz tingo to attack plus annihator as well, and my hp will be 0. but he didn't see it. anyway, i shld have drew a aimed shot or fury to win it in my turn earlier, but i didn't get any though none has been out earlier on.

2nd game: alliance paladin
1st of all, hunter > paladin
and his paladin is quite nonsense. without a proper theme.
he get a warning for not allowing me to declare blocker and swing his weapon.
i did xN stunts with my mezzik.
nth much to talk abt.

3rd game: horde warrior (brainy)
plenty of training with him, so i know wat to expect.
but i changed my deck alot compared to the one that he played against whole night on fri.
change my flow slightly, no blindly spamming and win it.

4th game: horde warlock
i won the 1st after throwing a krol blade at him with my aimed shot.
his deck is kinda little of everything, there are grimdron, sarmoth, rain of fire, but no corruption.
he took the 2nd game with sarmoth on 3rd, rain of fire on 4th and inferno on 6th.
the 3rd game is amazing, can't believe i win it.
he again expectedly throw out sarmoth on 3rd, rain of fire on 4th. but this time, he rain of fire and send all 5 weenie to my grave. T_T i thought it is gg for me.
i left a fury on my hand
my tiger chops his sarmoth, and he killed it after that. i kinda lucky to draw another fury and slash him for 5, and i've 2 chasing a-me down unused. later i use parvink to regain hand and finish with chasing a-me back fury twice. gg.
anyway, he get a warning for play princess trap when he dun have mana.

5th game: alliance hunter
i was expecting many mirror match, and here is the 1st.
basically, who win the dice roll will win the game.
and i lost my dice roll. it tells rest of it.

6th game: horde shaman
this opponent is so !@#$%, lets skip this part.
it is a shaman rush, basically same as other shaman, jus tat the allies used changed for rush.
and it's so toot tat i have only 1 ally till 3rd turn, and i'm a bloody hunter!!! and i eat 2 chain lightning. lol... i died, even though i win the dice roll. i took the 2nd round with usual stuff. i lost the 3rd with the same fate as the 1st round, no ally!!! WTF!

7th game: horde priest
i can't think anymore, due to fatigue and probably affected by a 2 straight lost.
his priest is quite normal, but usual control cards and use shadow word for the win.
he win the dice roll and took the 1st game, and i win the 2nd.
for the 3rd game, he has 4 friends surround the table and gave all sort of comment. one even give instruction on game play! i feel like getting the judge over, but i'm already winning, so forget it. just when i thought i can win on next turn, he healed!!! he used heal and heal for 7. totally unexpected, maybe side deck for time out? lol... in the end i took the game.

8th game: alliance hunter
he win dice roll, end of story. the fate of hunter mirror is decided when judge declare round starts.


get a 5-3 in the end, and 19th place. T_T
the metagame is filled with shaman and hunter, with some of priest and warlock. and of cos our 1 and only rogue, contributed by apple. =)
top 8 with 5 shaman, 2 priest and 1 hunter. all top 8 are horde!!!
congrates to akira who get 8th.
a dice roll simply decides it.

some technical stuff review,
against priest and warlock, basically try to have extra mana for quest on 1st few turns. spamming may not be wise, unless u've a hand that gives no choice.
gonna change 1 burn away to marked for death, use it for solo hero. since i'll only side deck 2 burn away in deck most of the time if needed, in orde not to affect flow. moira darkheart is a must to side deck. as for multi-shot, it is the one and only chance to win a mirror when he goes 1st, though the chance is slim.
last but not least, krol blade rocks...

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