Max's bullshit


>> Max
>> 27/11/1987

>> Drink: Coke light, black coffee
>> Band: L'Arc~en~Ciel, Mayday, Coldplay
>> Colour: White
>> Manga/Anime: Hikaru no go, Evangelion
>> Hobby: Weiqi, TCG, WC3
>> Soccer club: Arsenal FC


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Warcraft 3 links
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>> WE.IGE.Sky's blog
>> WE.IGE.Sky's replay

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"super size me"
[ maxilicious' | 2:58 AM | 0 comments ]

i've eaten 3 mcdonald meals today...

breakfast: Sausage McMuffin + orange juice
well... common breakfast choice in NYP ($2 meal + some $ to change to orange juice)

lunch: McSpicy Meal
friends wanna dine in mac

dinner: Filet-O-Fish + nuggets
only Mac is open at 8.30pm, and i left school at 9.40pm.

i'm doing the bloody report writing proposal... it is now 3am, maybe i should call 6333-7333 and order mac for supper. lol...

gonna die from it... Amen...

Who is the most evil man in history?

if u have not watched the movie 'super size me', please watch it... and u will know how horrible mac is... and god bless me, gonna study for personal selling test later after i'm done with this proposal. probably i can order breakfast from the red and yellow clown. O_O


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